The vSphere interface is accessible by default over the Internet. For infrastructures that can be managed through the vRack private network, vSphere access can be switched over to the vRack through the private gateway.
This guide explains how to enable a private gateway on your Hosted Private Cloud infrastructure through the OVHcloud API.
- An OVHcloud Private Cloud solution
- Access to the vSphere interface
- Being connected to OVHcloud API.
- Creating OVHcloud API credentials.
- The private gateway is a virtual machine (VM) that will be deployed on the infrastructure and connected to the vRack.
- The private gateway does not have a route, so only the user of the same subnet can reach the gateway. The connection from another network must be a source-nat.
- Creating a Portgroup on the vRack to connect the private gateway. It must be under the correct datacenter.
- Having added the private gateway network to restrictions per source IP.
- Adding an entry in file /etc/hosts or C:\Windows\system32\etc\hosts for with the private IP.
Enable the Private Gateway
Before starting, get the following necessary information:
- serviceName: the Hosted Private Cloud name (syntax: pcc-X-X-X-X)
- datacenterId: the datacenter ID
- ip & netmask: the IP address and netmask for the private gateway
- portgroup: the PortGroup name for vRack connexion.
These elements will be used in the following API calls.
Start activation with:
The call creates a task that will deploy the virtual machine and make the network configuration.
You may receive a resource delivery notification (a new datastore). This will not be charged and will be placed in the Admin Storages folder from the Storage view. It is added to host the virtual machine without consuming your datastores.
Disable the Private Gateway
Before starting, get the following necessary information:
- serviceName: the Hosted Private Cloud name (syntax: pcc-X-X-X-X)
- datacenterId: the datacenter ID
Start deactivation with:
Go further
For more information and tutorials, please see our other Hosted Private Cloud support guides or explore the guides for other OVHcloud products and services.