Configuring the OVHcloud Connect solution can be done via API.
Find out how to set up OVHcloud Connect using OVHcloud APIv6.
To ensure correct operation of this service, you must be aware of the technical capabilities and limitations of the OVHcloud Connect solution and configure your network devices accordingly.
- an OVHcloud Connect service
- access to the OVHcloud APIv6
Step 1: Configuring vRack
As a mandatory first step, the service must be interconnected with a vRack to enable the configuration.
Verify that the service is available with the following call:
It will return UUIDs of eligible services. Then you can link OVHcloud Connect with the vRack:
Enter the vRack name as well as the UUID of OVHcloud Connect.
Step 2: Configuring the PoP
This step is important because you have to choose between L2 and L3.
Please be aware of the ramifications of this decision. To switch between L2 and L3 later, you will have to delete the whole configuration.
Obtaining the interface ID
Your service is attached to an interface with an ID. Use this call to obtain the ID:
It will return the ID of the interface dedicated to your service.
The following call provides more service details:
The LightStatus parameter is refreshed every 5 minutes for monitoring purposes.
Configuration with Layer 2 (L2)
This is the simplest configuration. Use this call:
- interface ID: enter the ID previously obtained.
- type: select L2.
Configuration with Layer 3 (L3)
This configuration is more complex because of the required BGP settings:
- interface ID: enter the ID previously obtained.
- type: select L3.
- customerBgpArea: your BGP ASN, configured on your device which will be used for peering.
- ovhBgpArea: BGP ASN to be configured on the OVHcloud routing instance, pertaining to BGP session and AS path.
- subnet: a /30 IPv4 block.
Step 3: Data centre (DC) configuration
If an OVHcloud Connect service is already configured in the vRack, the second service will inherit the data centre configuration.
Obtaining available data centers
You can list available data centers for configuration using the following calls:
Configuration with Layer 2 (L2)
Only the ID of the data centre is needed for the L2 configuration:
- datacenterId: enter the DC ID previously obtained.
Configuration with Layer 3 (L3)
More parameters have to be provided for the L3 configuration:
- datacenterId: enter the DC ID previously obtained.
- ovhBgpArea: as with the PoP, you need to assign an ASN for the OVHcloud routing instance. It will appear in AS path. (It can be different from the PoP ASN.)
- subnet: an IPv4 block, any size is accepted from /28.
By default, the data centre will be configured with a VRRP instance. You have to proceed with the next steps for static routing or dynamic routing using BGP.
Layer 3 option: static route
A static route is needed when you have one or more subnets behind a gateway. This may be Linux gateway (with IP forwarding enabled), a NSX edge or any instance capable of routing.
- nextHop: IP address in the subnet range acting as gateway.
- subnet: a prefix using the CIDR notation.
- type: ‘network’
Layer 3 option: BGP session
A BGP session enables dynamic routing from your routing instance with OVHcloud Connect. Announcements are dynamically managed using the BGP protocol. Enabling a BGP session disables the VRRP configuration. You cannot have a BGP session and a static route in the same DC configuration.
- bgpNeighborArea: your BGP ASN.
- bgpNeighborIp: your IP address in the subnet range.
- type: ‘bgp’
Removing resources
Each resource can be deleted individually, but deleting a parent resource like DC or PoP will automatically delete all sub-resources. However, recursive deletion is slower than a sequential deletion of each resource.
Global deletion
The following call recursively deletes the entire configuration of an OVHcloud Connect service:
Each sub-resource’s status will change from ‘active’ to ‘toDelete’ but it takes some time to see the status change.
Only one task ID is created.
Deleting by resource
Each resource can be deleted individually using the following call that will delete the smallest resource (extra):
The following call removes the DC configuration and recursively deletes any additional sub-resources:
When all sub-resources have been deleted, the PoP configuration can be safely removed:
If a DC configuration is shared between two or more OVHcloud Connect services, deleting the PoP configuration of only one will not affect the DC resource.