This guide lists some of the supported advanced parameters that allow you to configure your Managed Databases (also called Cloud Databases) for Kafka Connect according to your use cases.
- a Public Cloud project in your OVHcloud account
- a database running on your OVHcloud Cloud Databases (this guide can help you to meet this requirement)
- access to your OVHcloud Control Panel or the OVHcloud API
NOTE: The management of advanced parameters is not supported via Terraform.
Using the OVHcloud Control Panel
Please refer to this guide to find out how to change your advanced parameters from the OVHcloud Control Panel.
Using API
Please refer to this guide to find out how to change your advanced parameters from the OVHcloud API.
Advanced parameters for Kafka Connect
You can find a complete list of configuration options via OVHcloud API. Below is a summary of some configuration options available for Kafka Connect service:
Parameter | kafka_connect.connector_client_config_override_policy |
Value type | string |
Minimum | |
Maximum | |
Values | "All", "None" |
Description | Defines which client configurations can be overridden by the connector. The default is None. |
Parameter | kafka_connect.consumer_auto_offset_reset |
Value type | string |
Minimum | |
Maximum | |
Values | "earliest", "latest" |
Description | What to do when there is no initial offset in Kafka or if the current offset does not exist anymore on the server. Default is earliest. |
Parameter | kafka_connect.consumer_fetch_max_bytes |
Value type | long |
Minimum | 1048576 |
Maximum | 104857600 |
Values | |
Description | Records are fetched in batches by the consumer, and if the first record batch in the first non-empty partition of the fetch is larger than this value, the record batch will still be returned to ensure that the consumer can make progress. As such, this is not an absolute maximum. |
Parameter | kafka_connect.consumer_isolation_level |
Value type | string |
Minimum | |
Maximum | |
Values | "read_committed", "read_uncommitted" |
Description | Transaction read isolation level. read_uncommitted is the default, but read_committed can be used if consume-exactly-once behavior is desired. |
Parameter | kafka_connect.consumer_max_partition_fetch_bytes |
Value type | long |
Minimum | 1048576 |
Maximum | 104857600 |
Values | |
Description | Records are fetched in batches by the consumer. If the first record batch in the first non-empty partition of the fetch is larger than this limit, the batch will still be returned to ensure that the consumer can make progress. |
Parameter | kafka_connect.consumer_max_poll_interval_ms |
Value type | long |
Minimum | 1 |
Maximum | 2147483647 |
Values | |
Description | The maximum delay in milliseconds between invocations of poll() when using consumer group management (defaults to 300000). |
Parameter | kafka_connect.consumer_max_poll_records |
Value type | long |
Minimum | 1 |
Maximum | 10000 |
Values | |
Description | The maximum number of records returned in a single call to poll() (defaults to 500). |
Parameter | kafka_connect.offset_flush_interval_ms |
Value type | long |
Minimum | 1 |
Maximum | 100000000 |
Values | |
Description | The interval at which to try committing offsets for tasks (defaults to 60000). |
Parameter | kafka_connect.offset_flush_timeout_ms |
Value type | long |
Minimum | 1 |
Maximum | 2147483647 |
Values | |
Description | The maximum number of milliseconds to wait for records to flush and partition offset data to be committed to offset storage before canceling the process and restoring the offset data to be committed in a future attempt (defaults to 5000). |
Parameter | kafka_connect.producer_batch_size |
Value type | long |
Minimum | 0 |
Maximum | 5242880 |
Values | |
Description | This setting gives the upper bound of the batch size to be sent. If there are fewer than this many bytes accumulated for this partition, the producer will 'linger' for the time waiting for more records to show up. A batch size of zero will disable batching entirely (defaults to 16384). |
Parameter | kafka_connect.producer_buffer_memory |
Value type | long |
Minimum | 5242880 |
Maximum | 134217728 |
Values | |
Description | The total bytes of memory the producer can use to buffer records waiting to be sent to the broker (defaults to 33554432). |
Parameter | kafka_connect.producer_compression_type |
Value type | string |
Minimum | |
Maximum | |
Values | "gzip", "lz4", "none", "snappy", "zstd" |
Description | Specify the default compression type for producers. This configuration accepts the standard compression codecs ('gzip', 'snappy', 'lz4', 'zstd'). It additionally accepts 'none' which is the default and equivalent to no compression. |
Parameter | kafka_connect.producer_linger_ms |
Value type | long |
Minimum | 0 |
Maximum | 5000 |
Values | |
Description | This setting gives the upper bound on the delay for batching: once there is batch.size worth of records for a partition it will be sent immediately regardless of this setting, however, if there are fewer than this many bytes accumulated for this partition the producer will 'linger' for the specified time waiting for more records to show up. Defaults to 0. |
Parameter | kafka_connect.producer_max_request_size |
Value type | long |
Minimum | 131072 |
Maximum | 67108864 |
Values | |
Description | This setting will limit the number of record batches the producer will send in a single request to avoid sending huge requests. |
Parameter | kafka_connect.session_timeout_ms |
Value type | long |
Minimum | 1 |
Maximum | 2147483647 |
Values | |
Description | The timeout in milliseconds used to detect failures when using Kafka’s group management facilities (defaults to 10000). |
Go further
For more information and tutorials, please see our other Cloud Databases support guides or explore the guides for other OVHcloud products and services.